Patchwork with Templates

Have you always wanted to learn more about those acrylic templates you see at quilt stores and online? I did too, so I bought a set and played around with them. They were AMAZING to use…everything just lined up and came out perfectly ( believe me, that usually is not the case for me!). So I thought I would share how you use them and then you can decide if you want to give them a try!

You will need a template set ( I am using Marti Michell’s set G)


You will also find it very handy to have a rotating cutting mat, a small rotary cutter and a pencil.

img_2264Choose your center fabric and cut it out using your large hexagon ( I fussy-cut my fabric because I wanted to focus on certain images, so I laid my template on the right side and cut around my shape). Then I decided what fabrics would complement my center fabric and cut 6 of each of those.

You can fold your fabric and cut multiple layers at a time ( as long as your fabric is NOT directional that is!). The instructions suggest that you lay the templates on according to the grain of the fabric, I did not worry about that because I am using scraps and have to fit my pieces in any way I can. After you cut your star points you want to mark dots ( on the wrong side)where your seam allowance will start and end. Lay the template over each shape and mark.



The block is starting to take shape already! Now it’s time to cut the diamonds in between the star points:










img_2270And then you are going to repeat on the opposite side of your hexagon:img_2272img_2273img_2271Just look at those perfect points!

The top and bottom star points and diamonds you are going to sew together so they form a straight edge

And finally you are going to sew those pieces to the top and bottom of your center section:


You could sew from dot to dot on this last one, but I don’t think it is necessary because you are not joining any more pieces to the outside.

Tadaaaa! First block all done! Now wasn’t that super easy?! Believe me, if I think it’s easy, then it is 🙂

Now go on, go make some of your own!